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House Representative Best To Chair Transportation Committee In 2020 Legislative Session

The Iowa Legislature will convene for the 2020 session on Monday, Jan. 13, and State Representative for the 12th District, Brian Best, has announced House Speaker, Pat Grassley, has selected him to chair a policy committee.

Best says he is ready to take on the duties associated with the chairmanship.

Grassley says, “Rep. Best understands that safe roads and a strong transportation system are critical for Iowa families and employers. I am confident the he will be a strong leader for our caucus in this new role.” Best asserts he will need to take a broad view on transportation issues across the state. Locally, Highway 30 is a topic that is often brought up, but Best says this is an example of how the position requires his committee to work with many other principal parties.

Another key issue Best believes will be coming into play is that of speed cameras. He says the biggest problem with this is the debate on whether or not they should exist at all and if there truly is a need for them in certain areas.

He adds hands free is another topic that needs to come back to the legislature. Texting while driving is now a traffic offense, but he says it is time to look at taking it a step further to total hands free; legislation Best says could save many lives. In addition, he wants to work on addressing a lack of CDL licensure accessibility in the rural areas of the state. This, Best says, is a critical component for many industries who rely on commercially-licensed drivers.

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