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Area Leaders Preparing For Annual Trip To Washington, D.C.

Representatives from the city and county of Carroll will be bringing the voice of our region to the nation’s leaders next week in their annual Access Washington trip. Executive Director of the Carroll Area Development Corporation (CADC) Shannon Landauer, says the City of Carroll will be focusing on a couple of specific topics.

Manning City Manager, Dawn Meyer, will be joining the group this year to discuss natural gas with elected officials.

Landauer adds that in addition to foreign trade policy they want to work on ways that workforce policies have parity with those in urban areas. Another big topic for the group will be transportation.

Additionally, the contingent will share with legislators how their choices impact our area, particularly in healthcare and Medicaid cost containment. Members of the Access Washington group will be traveling this weekend and early next week for the Washington, D.C. meetings that will begin on Tuesday.

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