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MidAmerican Energy Issues Peak Alert For This Afternoon

Before 9 a.m. this morning (Thursday) the heat index had already reached 95 degrees in our area, and because these temperature spikes create increased energy demands, MidAmerican Energy has issued a peak alert for today. They are asking customers to take five very simple steps to conserve energy from 2 to 7 p.m. First, wait until after sundown to wash clothes, bake or run other appliance that generate heat. The second thing customers can do is set their thermostats a few of degrees higher. There is a three to five percent reduction in electrical usage for every degree upward. They are also recommending the use of fans, portable or ceiling fans, to circulate air, ventilate the attic and increase the efficiency of air conditioners. Another way to beat the summer heat is to block the sunlight with drapes or blinds, particularly on windows with western and southern exposures. Finally, trim the foliage around your air conditioning unit. Keeping it cleared of grass, weeds and shrubs improves air flow and keeps the air conditioner from working too hard. The complete listing of energy saving tips can be found on the MidAmerican Energy website.

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