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Carroll American Legion Seeks Public’s Help In Decorating For Memorial Day

Each year, the Carroll American Legion places flags throughout the community for Memorial Day, and members are asking for a helping hand from the community before and after the holiday. Throughout the week, the Legion will post flags throughout the community’s downtown district and along Highway 30 with help from local high school baseball teams. Legion Member RT Schreck says Friday night is when they really need volunteers.

People of all ages can lend a hand, as these flags are smaller and don’t quite weigh as much as some of the other larger flags. Schreck says helping Friday is an excellent way for parents to teach their kids a little about the meaning behind Memorial Day.

The next opportunity to help the Legion is Monday morning with the Avenue of Flags.

Schreck says volunteers can expect the work to take about an hour or so during each timeslot, depending on how many people lend a hand. He adds the community has been outstanding in helping in the past and thanks volunteers in advance for their assistance.

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