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DNR Reminds Iowans To Leave “Orphaned Wildlife” Alone This Spring


The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds Iowans to resist the urge to “rescue” seemingly orphaned wildlife babies during the state’s Wildlife Baby Season. From May until mid-June, officials typically receive numerous calls and deliveries regarding wildlife perceived as abandoned. Despite good intentions, attempting to rescue these animals can actually harm them, as many are not truly orphaned and are still under parental care. Most species, from baby robins to white-tailed fawns, leave their nests or dens before being able to fend for themselves, remaining dependent on their parents for care and feeding. Handling these animals can cause stress and lead to their deaths from starvation, pneumonia, or other illnesses. Observing wildlife in its natural habitat is encouraged, but residents are advised to leave wildlife babies alone. The DNR provides a list of wildlife rehabilitators for genuine cases of orphaned wildlife, and a link to those resources is included with this story on our website.
