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Carroll County Supervisors Convene Early Monday For Courthouse Remodel Project Update


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors will convene an hour earlier than usual for their weekly meeting as they meet with architects for an update on the ongoing $4 million courthouse remodel and HVAC improvement project. Representatives from SEH Design will join the supervisors at 8 a.m. on Monday to discuss their next phases. Currently, the courthouse’s lower level is blocked off while crews work to complete asbestos remediation. County services will be impeded as construction proceeds through the various offices. The board is also scheduled to hold the public hearing for the first reading of a county ordinance change regarding vendor permitting during RAGBRAI as it comes through Carroll later this summer. The only other items on the agenda are a routine interfund transfer, a CDBG down payment assistance program draw, and manure management annual updates. The Monday, March 20 meeting convenes at 8 a.m. in the courthouse meeting room. The proceedings are open to the public and will also be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel, a link to which is included below.

