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Wall Lake City Council Approves Bids For Road Construction Planned For The Summer

The Wall Lake City Council has approved plans for roadwork on several streets and public alleys during the summer construction season. Clerk, Chris Rodman, says the main portion of the project will be just north of downtown along 5th Street.

Rodman adds they also have improvements planned for an alley in the 300 block of 4th Street and several driveways at publicly-owned buildings in town. He says the council reviewed bids from contractors for this work during their Feb. 8 meeting.

Construction is scheduled for some time in June or July. Rodman says this type of work is not usually a significant hindrance for motorists or residents in the area.

Specific dates and times for when construction crews are to begin will be made available closer to the project. Street upkeep remains a concern for the council, and it is likely residents will see similar efforts to this one over the next several summers.

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