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2020 Census Is More Than Just A Head Count For Area Counties

Census takers will soon be out and about and many people will be receiving notices asking for their participation. Carroll City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says these numbers are much more important than just simply getting this decade’s residency count for the federal government. They also play an integral role in funding initiatives for our local communities.

Other dollars tied to census numbers includes more than $675 billion in federal funds for community programs covering education, housing, community development, health care serves for the elderly and job training. Counts will impact school and library construction, highway safety and public transportation as well as community action programs and school lunches along with childcare centers. It can also sway location decisions for businesses. Pogge-Weaver says he also wants to highlight an important participation aspect for migratory residents.

Counts will officially start on April 1 and Pogge-Weaver says an online option will be available to some residents. Those in areas of higher internet usage could receive a postcard. They will then set up a username and password to access the census. Others will receive paper forms.

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