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Some Iowans Will Receive Refund From Weight Loss Program That Made Deceptive Claims

A weight-loss plan touted to “turn on fat burning and turn off fat storing” has been deemed deceptive by the Iowa Attorney General and two sellers have reached agreements to reimburse Iowans. Attorney General, Tom Miller, says that NutriMost advertising promised customers would lose 20 to 40+ pounds in 40 days. However, the plan consists primarily of a low-calorie diet of 500 to 800 calories per day. An agreement was reached with two chiropractors, Bradley Cook, who operated NutriMost of Iowa in Marengo and Cedar Rapids, and Emmett Blahnik, operator of Next Level Weight Loss in West Des Moines. Cook will be paying $50,000 and Blahnik $30,000. The Attorney General’s Office will make refunds available to the affected consumers.