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School Report Card Are In, And Not All Get A Passing Grade

The report cards for Iowa’s schools have been distributed and the Iowa Department of Education has identified two local schools as in need of comprehensive improvement and another 11 that need to address targeted areas of learning and growth for students. In west central Iowa, the East Sac County Elementary in Sac City and Charter Oak-Ute Elementary School are the two scoring in the lowest five percent of Title I schools in the state. The average, statewide score is 54.91, but Charter Oak-Ute Elementary scored only at 42.96 out of 100 while East Sac County Elementary at the Sac building scored a 43.75. These schools will be required to develop an improvement plan. The eleven schools with subgroups that performed below the five percent mark of all students include: Battle Creek Ida Grove Elementary; Charter Oak-Ute Junior High School; Denison High School; Broadway Elementary School in Denison; East Sac County Middle School; Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton Middle School; Greene County High School, IKM-Manning Middle School; Manson Northwest Webster Junior High and High School; Manson Northwest Webster Elementary School; and Schaller-Crestland Elementary. Fairview and Adams Elementary Schools in Carroll recorded the highest scores of the schools in the immediate coverage area, both recording a 62.7 out of 100. A complete listing of the local schools and their scores can be found here, along with a link to see a breakdown of performance data.


Link to state report:

Area scores: