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Public Is Invited To Medical Simulations At St. Anthony Regional Hospital

Photo (left to right): St. Anthony Education Department Staff Peg Buman, Margie Glassburner, Katie Towers, Deb Burnett and Christina Woerdehoff
Editors note: The spelling of manikin refers to a specific type of specialized medical equipment: Manikin defined by the Free Medical Dictionary: A model of the human body or its parts, used esp. in teaching anatomy and emergency medical and nursing procedures.


Next Tuesday, St. Anthony Regional Hospital will be offering a first-hand look at their life-like patient simulators during an Open House of the Education Center and Simulation Lab. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the fourth floor of the St. Anthony Surgery Building, attendees will see the medical manikins that are used by students and healthcare professionals to undertake realistic clinical training. St. Anthony Education Services Director, Katie Towers, encourages the public to learn more about the simulators and to see them in action. “Simulation is quickly changing the face of education in healthcare, Towers says. “Today’s technology allows us to create realistic circumstances for learners to gain critical patient care skills and behaviors. We are excited to showcase the many ways our staff uses simulation to improve and apply their knowledge.” The planned demonstrations on Sept. 18 include: high fidelity manikins that can be programmed to react to medical situations in ways similar to human reactions; skilled trainers who teach and reinforce basic skills; and organized team response to the simulation of complex medical scenarios. More information on the open house event can be obtained by utilizing the contact points included below. A full schedule of the simulations can also be found there.


Contact Information:

          St. Anthony Education Services: 794-5243 or email education@stanthonyhospital.org

Schedule of activities: wwww.stanthonyhospital.org


Scheduled Events


10:00 a.m.                  SimMan®3G Demonstration

Immerse yourself in a real patient care situation! SimMan3G, a state-of-the art high-fidelity adult manikin, has recently been added to the St. Anthony simulation program. SimMan 3G is as close to human as you will see in health care simulation and can be programmed to any medical situation. Watch the manikin breathe, bleed, blink, speak, sweat, seize, and so much more!


11:00 a.m.                  SimNewB® Scenario Demonstration

Every baby born at St. Anthony already has an advantage! Our staff members are trained using the latest and most advanced high-fidelity newborn manikin available. Simulated birth and perinatal care are used to teach nurses and doctors critical skills, teamwork and decision-making, Watch what happens in a baby’s first critical 10 minutes of life!


12:00 p.m.                  eSimulation Demonstration

Gaming, which is fun and high-tech, is also the newest form of simulated learning. On their computer, learners take gaming to a serious level as they work through each stage of life-saving scenarios. Algorithms, sequencing, and decision-making are used to help learners gain the knowledge needed to perform in an emergent situation.


1:00 p.m.                    SimMan®3G Scenario Demonstration (repeated session)


2:00 p.m.                    SimNewB® Scenario Demonstration (repeated session)


3:00 p.m.                    Behavioral Simulation Demonstration

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