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Carroll County Veterans Affairs Office Has Gift For Eligible Vietnam War Veterans

As the country looks back over the past 50 years on the Vietnam War, the Carroll County Veterans Affairs Office is offering a special gift to any veteran who served in a “boots on the ground” capacity in Vietnam or as “brown water Navy” on the inland waters of Vietnam. A book titled, “A time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty and Sacrifice,” is a commemorative collection that honors Vietnam veterans, with minimal attention paid to the divisive historical polices of the war. In addition to the hardbound, 175-page book, the commemorative gift package will include a 60-minute feature documentary that includes interviews of Vietnam veterans from across the country titled “The Journey Home.” An unrestricted e-book copy and an online repository with print function for all Iowa-specific stories of the documentary will be included. The Carroll County Veterans Affairs Office has received 225 packages, which represents only about half of the actual number of veterans of Carroll County. But more packages will be made available if the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs receives more funding. They are currently taking donations, and anyone wishing to support the book distribution can get more information or donate through contact points included below. Eligible “boots on the ground” and “brown water Navy” veterans are asked to bring in their DD214 and proof of county of residence to the basement of the Fricke Government Building in Carroll to receive their 50th anniversary commemorative package. After 60 days, the distribution will open up to any veteran who served during the Vietnam War. More information on the giveaway can also be found here.



To donate:

For more information on Carroll County packages:

To learn more about the book: