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Highway 30 East Entry Sign Approved After Lengthy Debate By Carroll City Council

Photo: Final design to have red lettering with the print running from the bottom of the monument up.

Size was a major consideration for Carroll City Council members when it came to the proposed design of a new entry sign along Highway 30 on the east side of Carroll. After cardboard replicas were used last month to determine what would be most visible to travelers, the council requested cost estimates for a seven-foot wide by 18-foot tall monument from Confluence Architecture and Urban Design. The renderings and cost of $44,099 were reviewed at Monday night’s meeting for the fieldstone sign that features vertical printing. At this point, however, Jerry Fleshner spoke up about feedback he has received.

Carolyn Siemann had more of an issue with the price of the vertical sign versus the horizontal options, which were estimated at around $28,000 or less. Mike Kots and Clay Haley both said they received only positive feedback. LaVern Dirkx, who joined the meeting by phone, said he thinks the design is cutting edge, but he has concerns about added costs if a decision is delayed.

Misty Boes added that she has not received any negative feedback and is excited about the design. Fleshner again pointed out that with this choice, there will be people who object, saying the council will have to answer to that. He added that, on the other hand, a horizontal sign is universally accepted. Dirkx, disagreed.

A motion was made to move forward with plans for the presented design with red lettering running from the bottom up. The motion passed on a vote of four in favor and two, Fleshner and Siemann, against. Council members are also working with area landowners to help reduce the cost through the donation of fieldstones. Renderings of the approved signage can be found below.

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