
Carroll County Engineer Says Drains Becoming Bigger Issue This Spring – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll County Engineer Says Drains Becoming Bigger Issue This Spring

The wetter than normal weather at the beginning of this spring season has brought several drain issues to the surface in recent weeks. Carroll County Engineer, Dave Paulson, says he has been kept extremely busy lately in assessing the problems.

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There are a couple of major reasons for the increase they are seeing in broken tiles and blown out drains. The first, cited by supervisors Marty Danzer and Dean Schettler, is that a good deal of tile in the affected regions is nearly 100 years old, and made of clay. In fact, many of the supervisors were amazed that they had lasted as long as they have. The second problem Paulson says they are seeing is tree roots, which has been reported as a major recurring issue with a drain near Breda.

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The board of supervisors also performed an annual review of the drainage assessments, which allocates the cost of drain repairs back to the landowners. If there is not enough money allotted in the current assessment, the supervisors will make an increase to ensure repair costs are covered. They approved an increase to 10 of those assessments at their Monday meeting.