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Beef Producers Reminded State Checkoff Referendum Vote Takes Place Nov. 30

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association are reminding eligible producers of the beef referendum vote coming up on Wednesday, Nov. 30. This referendum is to determine whether the fifty cent per head Iowa Beef checkoff should be reinstated. A petition containing more than 500 signatures was delivered to the Iowa Department of Agriculture on Sept. 2, in an effort to bring back the state checkoff program that was discontinued in 1986. A recent survey has indicated that more than 80 percent of producers are in favor of the checkoff, which is estimated to raise $1.5 million per year. The $1 per head federal checkoff program will remain in place and not be affected by the Iowa vote. If the referendum passes, collection will begin on March 1, 2017, and will be mandatory. However, refunds will be available to interested producers. Votes may still be submitted by absentee ballot, and those ballots can be requested through any of the contact methods listed below.


Absentee Ballots

Call: 515-281-5321


Web: download form from “Hot Topics”

In person: Henry Wallace Building, 502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA, 50319