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Jefferson Residents Invited To Review Final Retail Scapes Designs

Jefferson Matters: Main Street in partnership with Iowa State Extension and Outreach and the Greene County Chamber of Commerce are inviting all area residents to join them for presentations from the students of the Iowa State University College of Design Retail Scapes Studio. The class members developed posters that detail their ideas for enhancing the retail experience in Jefferson, and they previewed those in March while they were still in the preliminary phase. After feedback from the roughly 30 to 40 community members at each presentation, they made changes and are ready to showcase their final designs on Monday, April 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Sierra Theatre. The community will also receive a copy of all the interventions made at the presentation and these will be made public at the end of the semester. Main Street Director, Peg Raney, says this interaction has been very successful for both the students and the community members involved and that seeing Jefferson through the eyes of young professionals has been very beneficial. Their ideas, she said, have been appreciated and community leaders are looking forward to moving them on to the implementation level.