
CESA contract proposal includes installation of cameras in CCSD buses – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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CESA contract proposal includes installation of cameras in CCSD buses

The Carroll Education Support Association (CESA) brought their opening proposal before the Carroll Community School District Board on Monday night. The group represents teacher associates, bus drivers, and other support staff who are asking for a pay increase for the 2016-2017 school year as read by their representative.


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The creation of “longevity pay” was also proposed which would pay an employee twenty-five cents for each five years of service; bus drivers would receive an additional ten dollars per month. Additional personal days were requested as well as the option to be excused during professional development days with permission. Another unique request, not usually found in contract negotiations, was the addition of bus monitors and/or installation of cameras in school buses. Bus drivers Bob Brown and Kathy Brown explain.


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The CCSD board will review the opening proposal contract before resuming discussions. The current CESA two year contract was negotiated in 2014 and will expire at the end of this current school year.