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Manning Team Working To Make Hotel Happen

Earlier this year, the community leaders in Manning commissioned a hotel study to evaluate the feasibility of bringing lodging into the city as well as to determine the size, scope and business models that would be most appropriate to meet the communities lodging needs. The report, contracted with the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Value Added Agriculture Program, has been completed and presented to Manning officials for review. The report reveals there is no one compelling reason for overnight travelers to come to Manning, rather many things that would attract travelers, business individuals and those wishing to attend local events. The study highlights the need to bring an upscale atmosphere to the lodging so as to differentiate it from other local offerings. They recommend providing a broad range of amenities that can tie in to the existing conference space, aquatic features and shops and restaurants already in the community. The report includes a detailed analysis of various sizes of facilities for consideration and explains that a facility specifically designed to expand is a business model that can reduce initial risk. The study development team has worked closely with Manning officials to estimate the total annual room demand, not only for attractions, events and activities in Manning, but in the surrounding communities as well. Based on these results, the Manning team is currently discussing options with regional and national hotel chains to determine partnership potential. If that route is not the best option, they will look to proceed with a locally backed development.