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Council Considers Shared Pathway For Saulk Rail Trail Connection

Carroll, Iowa — At the end of June, architecture and engineering firm Shive Hattery prepared and presented a proposal for a way to connect the Sauk Rail Trail bicycle path with Main Street that would create a link between Southside Park and the trailhead. At that time, it was suggested they remove and replace the sidewalk with a 10 foot trail that would run from the park to Highway 30. From there north, they proposed removal of the parking to add an on-street trail segment and from 3rd Street north there would be shared lane markings. Shive Hattery Project Manager, Craig Erickson brought an alternative option to the city council this week that could greatly reduce the nearly $80,000 price tag on the original project estimate.

Sharrows are markings that designate roadways in which vehicles and bicycles share the same path. Erickson told the council that since sharrows have become more common, safety studies have concluded they are a safer option than having designated bike paths on the side of the roadway.

He added that use of sharrows would require education of the public through an information campaign and asked city officials if it would be worth testing their feasibility.

Erickson added that the city’s original budget of $80,000 would more than cover the painting, signage and the information campaign needed. Council Member Jerry Fleshner asked for clarity on who would do the painting, and Erickson said that it is up to the city to decide if they want to do it themselves or hire the work out. The painting would have to be re-done on an annual basis. Councilman Michael Kots requested more information on the required spacing of the markings. Mayor Adam Schweers directed Erickson to find out the answer to Kots’ question, to develop a plan that includes actual costs and to bring that back to the council for them to consider this option.

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