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New Hope Earns Distinct Honor Of Second Consecutive Deficiency-Free Survey

For the second consecutive year, New Hope has passed a state inspection with zero deficiencies. Of the 140 intermediate care facilities in the state, only about a fourth of these are found to be deficient free during the Iowa Department of Inspection and Appeals annual surveys. “New Hope’s first and most important priority is the care and well-being of the individuals we support,” says Rhonda Mart, New Hope Executive Director. “Each New Hope team member is dedicated to carrying out our mission of enriching the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and the results of our 2019 survey support that,” Mart adds. With the increase in regulations, achieving the distinction of a deficiency-free rating is prestigious. Adding to that, with this being the second year in a row for the rating, this is a notable distinction. The review is conducted over several days and covers quality, safety and performance issues, such as care practices, assessment of needs, ensuring people are treated with dignity and respect and that clients rights are protected and that they are provided with a safe and clean environment.

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