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Lake City Officials Pursue Disadvantaged Community Status From DNR To Extend Deadline For Wastewater Treatment Overhaul

Lake City officials are pursuing a disadvantaged community designation from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in hopes of extending the deadline to cut the amount of ammonia their wastewater system releases into Lake Creek. According to Administrator, Eric Wood, their current discharge permit is valid until 2023.

In order to meet the DNR’s mandate, Lake City will have to spend an estimated $2 million on updates to the community’s lift station and lagoon system. He believes it is doubtful they will be able to have the work completed by the deadline. However, Wood says they could have their deadline pushed back significantly by applying for disadvantaged community status.

The project’s architects, MSA Engineering, have started filing the appropriate paperwork to receive the designation and will hopefully receive a response in the next 60 days. While it is not a guarantee, the council is optimistic the DNR will approve their application. According to Wood, the overhaul, when completed, should provide ample wastewater treatment for Lake City residents for the next 50 years.

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