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Carroll Supervisor Voices His Displeasure With Fiscal 2020 Budget

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors held a public meeting Monday, prior to adopting the Fiscal Year 2020 annual budget. And even though County Auditor, Kourtney Irlbeck, said no public comments were received prior to the meeting, Supervisor, Dean Schettler, went on record with comments of his own.

Chair, Neil Bock, responded, saying for the past six years the county-wide levy has gone down. This year it has gone up.

He went on to point out, again, that even with a more than $1.65 million increase in expenses over the last fiscal year, Bock says Carroll County is still

Gene Meiners says there has been no public feedback made, even in light of the increased, public-approved levy. He, Bock and Rich Ruggles also answered to Schettler when he questioned if anyone else had been informed about the need for jailers. These other supervisors pointed out that the board had been made well aware of the jail increases early in the planning process, and again at nearly every meeting following that.

The finalized budget reflects total revenues of nearly $18.35 million dollars and total expenditures of just over $20.35 million. The final fund balance, however, is projected to be over $6 million after credits from the balance, reserves and restricted and unassigned funds. Irlbeck presented the levy rates for the next fiscal year. The total urban levy is $4.22 per $1,000 valuation and the rural levy is at $7.73. The board authorized the resolution for the debt service levy and adopted the county budget and certificate of taxes on a vote of four in favor and one, Schettler, against.

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