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Local Manufacturer Partners With Rockwell City Prison In Hopes of Filling Labor Gaps

A local manufacturing company is hoping to link up with a Rockwell City prison in order to fill a labor shortage and help offenders prepare for their release. Iowa Prison Industries (IPI) is a branch of the Iowa Department of Corrections and offers prisoners the chance to better themselves through work training opportunities. Dan Clark, the program’s director, says they have been working with New Way Trucks in Scranton and the North Central Correctional Facility to create a win-win scenario for both entities.

New Way Trucks is a subsidiary of Scranton Manufacturing and builds refuse and garbage trucks for use around the country. Unemployment in Greene County has been below 3.5 percent since November of 2016 and has caused problems for business looking to hire workers. New Way has already shown they have been unable to hire enough qualified civilians, and Clark says offenders are offered training in marketable skills while they are incarcerated. He says IPI then can help both the company and prisoners.

About 90 percent of prisoners are scheduled to be released at some point, and Clark says the best way to lower the recidivism rate is to provide prisoners an opportunity beyond criminal activity.

Clark adds the program benefits the general public too. About 80 percent of the offenders’ paychecks are used to pay state and federal taxes, court-ordered restitution, child support, room and board and other similar expenses. The remaining 20 percent goes to the inmate’s account. The inmate work program at New Way Trucks could be operational as soon as the end of the year. Another program that would have inmates building low-cost homes while incarcerated is currently in the works, as well. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more in an upcoming broadcast.

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