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Jail Committee Begins Preparations For Bond Referendum On New Jail

Members of the Carroll County Jail Committee are confident they are moving forward with the most practical proposal as they begin preparation for a county-wide referendum. At a meeting Tuesday, county officials indicated the nearly $9 million bond issue would be on the ballot for the mid-term elections on Nov. 6. The planned 16,800 square foot facility would sit just west of the existing courthouse and includes housing for at least 32 inmates, an administration area, underground parking and secure areas for prisoner intake. Councilwoman, Carolyn Siemann, expressed concerns about the suggested location and says her constituents have contacted her with similar complaints.

She questioned whether the committee had considered building on a location away from the courthouse. Supervisor, Rich Ruggles, answered by saying they examined all of their options.

Ruggles adds the other choice was near the old county home on Mahogany Avenue. He says building there would require extensive infrastructure investment and cost the county nearly $1 million over 30 years. He compared building a jail to providing electricity to a housing development.

Sheriff Ken Pingrey says the jail’s location is about more than just appearances and dollar amounts. Keeping the jail next door to the courthouse reduces the chances of something going wrong.

With the bond vote planned for November, the committee will start moving forward with a public information campaign. They intend to hold informational meetings for the public in the near future and open the jail for tours. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more information as plans are made official.

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