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First Shotgun Deer Season Opens Saturday

This weekend will be the long-awaited start of Iowa’s first shotgun deer season. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says that if you are one of the expected 60,000 hunters to head out Dec. 2 through the 6, they are offering some helpful hints for a successful hunt. They encourage all hunters to review basic safety and firearm rules, including the pistol cartridges that are approved for rifles this hunting seasons. The law allows for straight wall ammunition that was previously approved for pistol hunting, along with criteria for similar-sized ammunition not on the list to be used in rifles. They are also urging hunters to buy their licenses soon, as only about 32 percent of those 60,000 have done so already. That is also a good time to add an antlerless tag. They suggest brushing up on the rules for tagging deer and to report your harvest. Hunters can also go onto the DNR’s site to learn more about submitting tissue samples for testing of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), how to report illegal behavior seen in the field and how to donate a deer to the Help Us Stop Hunger (HUSH) program.



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