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Voter PPEL For Carroll Stadium Set At $0.67 Per $1,000

The Carroll Community School District (CCSD) Board of Directors held a special meeting Thursday afternoon to finalize aspects of the ballot for funding the reconstruction of the Carroll Athletic Field. Superintendent, Rob Cordes, told the board exactly what steps needed to be taken.

The board will send the option to district voters to approve a 67 cents per $1,000 of taxable property Physical Plant and Equipment Levy for 10 year to help fund the estimated $6.2 million stadium. The board is taking some of the cost off voters through the PPEL by borrowing $1 million dollars against future sales tax revenue towards the stadium and saving $750,000 by setting aside $250,000 for three fiscal years. Cordes says the CCSD board has been an exceptional steward of the district over the years.

The average home in Carroll is assessed at $124,629, and with a 67 cent PPEL, a homeowner with a $125,000 house can expect to pay $44.44 per year. The language of the ballot vote was changed to now be clearer to voters. The resolution of election was approved unanimously by the board and can be found included with this story on our website. The vote on the stadium is planned for Feb, 7, 2017.

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Calculate The Levy Impact Here



resolution of Election

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