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Congressman King Presents amendment to the Continuing Resolution And Introduces Healthcare Act

U.S. Congressman Steve King has introduced the American Future Healthcare Act and a substitute amendment to the Continuing Resolution earlier this week. In the introduction of the American Future Healthcare Act that is designed to bring healthcare decisions back to Americans, King said, “The American people have rejected, as they have done for the past six years, the President’s failed healthcare law. […] My bill will bring an end to this nightmare by giving the American people the ability to make their own healthcare decisions by increasing deductible healthcare savings account (HSA) annual contribution limits to $10,000 per individual and $20,000 per joint return.” He also discussed the Continuing Resolution amendment that would set the discretionary budget at the $1.04 trillion level, a $30 billion reduction from the current level, and include defunding 14 major provisions. Items King has included for defunding include Obamacare, transgender bathrooms in schools, the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule and Planned Parenthood. A full listing of the proposed items be found below.


  1. Defund President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty programs for illegal aliens, chiefly DACA, DAPA and the Morton memos.
  2. Defund Obamacare in its entirety as if it had never been enacted.
  3. Defund the President’s attempt to bring potentially dangerous refugees into the U.S.
  4. Defund the President’s unconstitutional agency guidance dealing with trans-gender bathrooms in schools.
  5. Defund the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule.
  6. Defund the Environmental Protection Agency’s overreaching and invasive Waters Of The United States definition.
  7. Defund the Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Rule.
  8. Defund the Clean Power Plan Rule.
  9. Block any federal funding from going to Planned Parenthood.
  10. Defund the President’s Iran Nuclear Deal, one of the most dangerous proposals of our time.
  11. Defund any and all executive action that upholds policy products of the COP21 Conference agreement.
  12. Defund executive enforcement of the Obergefell Supreme Court decision.
  13. Defund Dodd-Frank in its entirety.
  14. Defund Internet domain transfer.

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