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Expanded Enforcement Will be Seen Over Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend has traditionally been the last blast of summer for Iowans, but along with all of the outdoor activities comes an increased risk for accidents. Even though there has been a decrease in fatal accidents on Iowa roadways from 2001 to 2014, Carroll Police Chief Brad Burke says his department is committed to going the extra mile on the heavier traffic weekends to keep those numbers down.

He said the increased patrols on Highway 71 began at 7:00 a.m. this morning (Friday) and will continue throughout the weekend. The officers will be looking for many different types of infractions.

The National Center for Statistics and Analysis survey reported that 87 percent of respondents had used seat belts last year, but officers say it is a combination of factors that decrease fatalities, and a strong presence is one of them.

And though there will be some extra cruisers on the road, Burke said this is really an extension of what his department is doing every day.

This cooperative effort with city, county and state law enforcement entities will conclude at midnight on Labor Day.

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