Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) is offering some advice for individuals who may be struggling with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) due to the cold, cloudy and gray days associated with winter. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), about five percent of U.S. adults experience SAD, and it is often characterized by depressed moods, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, diminished interest in hobbies, over or undereating or excessive sleeping. While it can be challenging to overcome these feelings of depression, Amy Hull, a therapist with MRHC’s Senior Life Solutions, says, “I encourage my patients to do the opposite of what depression is telling them. It is important that we connect with our friends and family using any means available, including phone calls, Facetiming, sending care packages or hand-written cards.” She adds these feelings of isolation are often amplified for older Iowans. Hull encouraged anybody feeling the effects of SAD to reach out to a loved one or contact Senior Life Solutions at 712-655-2072.