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School Board Candidates Talk Relationships And Calendars At Rotary Forum

One of the duties in serving on the Carroll Community School District Board of Education is to hire and manage relationships with the superintendent. During a question and answer session at the Rotary forum this past Monday, each candidate was asked if they have ever had to manage a similar relationship in their lives. Julie Gore said these types of relationships are ones she deals with every day.

Jon Sampson, another CCSD board candidate said he too has been in positions such as this, including ones outside of the course of his employment.

Each candidate was also asked about things they may want the public to know that has not come out in news reports on their candidacies. Gina Badding said she wanted to put a spotlight on communication.

Questions during the forum also got down to specific issues, such as changing the school calendar to go more year round and only having small breaks in the spring, summer, fall and at Christmas. Kim Tiefenthaler said that the board has discussed this option in the past.

Brad Jorgensen said this is one point in which his previous experiences in education would bring him to disagree with Tiefenthaler’s stance that this schedule is not as viable as the current one in place.

The school board elections are this coming Monday, Sept. 8. Polls will open at noon and absentee ballots can be cast up until 11:00 a.m. on the 8th. We will update you on polling places in a later broadcast. All questions and answers from the Rotary forum can be found below.



Candidate Introductions


Order of speakers:

Julie Gore

Gina Badding

Jon Sampson

Brad Jorgensen

Kim Tiefenthaler


Question 1: What one thing (project) will be most important to you if elected?


Order of speakers:

Kim Tiefenthaler

Brad Jorgensen

Jon Sampson

Gina Badding

Julie Gore


Question 2: What opportunities do we have for collaboration in the future?


Order of speakers:

Julie Gore

Gina Badding

Jon Sampson

Brad Jorgensen

Kim Tiefenthaler


Question 3: WHO has been talking about school rankings. Carroll was never mentioned, are you aware of where our school ranks? And, nobody is talking about inspiration or being better than anyone else. Please address the idea of putting some fire in it and being better than the rest of the state for the second portion of the question.


Order of speakers:

Kim Tiefenthaler

Brad Jorgensen

Jon Sampson

Gina Badding

Julie Gore


Question 4: The two most important duties you will have is hiring a superintendent and managing relations with them. What experience  have you had like that in your lifetime?


Order of speakers:

Julie Gore

Gina Badding

Jon Sampson

Brad Jorgensen

Kim Tiefenthaler


Question 5: Many of you agree with each other on a lot of different things, but what sets you apart from the other candidates?


Order of speakers:

Kim Tiefenthaler

Brad Jorgensen

Jon Sampson

Gina Badding

Julie Gore


Question 6: After recent interviews, is there anything you would like to add to what has been asked?


Order of speakers:

Julie Gore

Gina Badding

Jon Sampson

Brad Jorgensen

Kim Tiefenthaler


Question 7: A lot of people have suggested that summer break is way too long. Now that the school start date is later in the year, what would be your opinion that we would move to a system where there is a six-week summer break, a fall break and a spring break and have the kids go more year round?


Order of speakers:

Kim Tiefenthaler

Brad Jorgensen

Jon Sampson

Gina Badding

Julie Gore


Closing Remarks


Order of speakers:

Julie Gore

Gina Badding

Jon Sampson

Brad Jorgensen

Kim Tiefenthaler

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