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City of Glidden will now allow property owners to erect fences on property lines

There are varying reasons to put up a fence among property owners and those wishing to do so in Glidden now have the options to erect a fence directly on their property line. Previously property owners were required to set a fence back one foot off the lot line; meaning if both neighbors wanted a fence those fences would be set two feet apart. While the ruleset was geared towards making maintenance easier with today’s machines the rule is now causing its own set of problems according to City Clerk Suzy Danner.



The new fence ordinance does require a survey to be taken in order to determine exactly where the lot line is located between property owners. Danner adds that if only one property owner wants the fence their neighbor will still need to sign the building permit if the fence is to be placed on the lot line. However, if the adjoining property owner isn’t willing to sign there’s another option.



Any property owner who already has a fence installed will be grandfathered in, but those owners wishing to move their fencing onto their property line will still need to apply for a building permit which has been signed by both neighbors. Future maintenance on the fence will be the responsibility of the initiator for a building application.

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